A beautifully sunny day graced us on Saturday for our monthly distribution event. We met at The Community Church in Ada (7239 Thornapple River Dr SE, Ada) to make sandwiches and load the cars. We had about 18 volunteers, and served nearly 70 neighbors downtown near 200 S Division Ave.

The Community Church in Ada allows us to use their kitchen and a storage room to organize donations. If you have any clothing items to donate, there is a donation drop-off box at the front entrance!
As we head into spring, we start to see a larger turnout of neighbors as mobility becomes easier with the warmer weather.

In light of the quickly changing seasons, this month's donation focus items are:
Light Jackets
Mens Pants (Small and Medium sizes are a bonus!)

The work we are able to accomplish together to provide for others is an incredibly powerful tool for connecting our community. One of the acts we can do for others is to simply listen, to hear their stories, and embrace them as members of our tribe.

Thank you to our generous donors and volunteers for making these events possible. If you would like to contribute, check out the donate and volunteer tabs above!
Stay tuned for an upcoming blog series about the founders of Grand Rapids Neighbors for Neighbors and the foundations of our organization!